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张学勇,博士、副研究员。 男, 汉族。1962年生。1987 获硕士学位,1992年毕业于中国农业科学院研究生院,获博士学位。1994-1998 在美国农部牧草及草地研究中心 (犹他州立大学) 分子细胞遗传学实验室、加拿大农部植物研究中心分子遗传学实验室、意大利Tuscia大学做博士后研究。主要从事远缘杂交、基因组进化、遗传多样性、分子标记辅助育种、小麦族植物基因组特异DNA重复序列、优质基因克隆等方面的研究工作。

Tel.: 010-62186630; Fax: 62186629

Email: xueyongz@public.bta.net.cn





Zhang XY, Li ZS, Chen SY: 1992, Production and identification of three 4Ag(4D)subtitution lines of Triticum aestivum-Agropyron: relative transmission rate of alien chromosomes. Theor. Appl. Genet., 83:707-714.



张学勇,董玉琛,栗站稳:1993,小麦和彭梯卡(长穗)偃麦草杂种及其衍生后代的细胞遗传学研究。I. 偃麦草及其与小麦杂种的染色体配对分析。遗传学报,中文版20(5):439-447。英文版 20(3):193-201。

张学勇,董玉琛:1994,小麦和彭梯卡(长穗)偃麦草杂种及其衍生后代的细胞遗传学研究。II. 来自小麦和长穗偃麦草及中间偃麦草杂种后代11个八倍体小偃麦的比较研究。遗传学报,中文版21(4):287-296。英文版 21(2):137-146。

张学勇,董玉琛:1995,小麦与长穗偃麦草、中间偃麦草杂种及其衍生后代的细胞遗传学研究。III. 小麦和偃麦草基因重组的遗传基础浅析。 遗传学报, 22:217-222。

Zhang XY, Yang XM, Dong YS: 1993, Cytogenetic research on hybrids of Triticum with both Thinopyrum ponticum and Th. intermedium as well as their partial amphiploids. Proc. 8th Int. Wheat Genet. Symp., pp401-405.

张学勇,杨欣明, 董玉琛:1995,醇溶蛋白电泳在小麦种质资源遗传分析中的应用。中国农业科学, 28(4):25-32。

Zhang XY, Dong YS and Wang RRC: 1994, Geographic distribution of alleles for Est-5 gliadin α-and β-amylase in Triticum tauschii. 2nd Int. Triticeae Symp., Utah State University, PP.155-161.

Zhang XY, Wang RRC, and Dong YS: 1996, RAPD polymorphisms in Aegilops geniculata Roth (Ae. ovata auct. non L.). Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 43:429-433.

Zhang XY, Dong YS and Wang RRC: 1996, Characterization of genomes and chromosomes in partialmphiploids of the hybrid Triticum aestivum ´ Thinopyrum ponticum by in situ hybridization, isozyme analysis and RAPD. Genome, 39:1062-1071.

Zhang XY, Koul A, Petroski R, Ouellet T, Fedak G, Dong YS and Wang RRC 1996, Molecular verification and characterization of BYDV-resistant germplasm derived from hybrids of wheat with Thinopyrum ponticum and Th. intermedium. Theor. Appl. Genet., 93:1033-1039.

Zhang XY. Wang RRC, Fedak G. Dong YS: 1997, Determination of genome and chromosome composition of Thinopyrum intermedium and partial amphiploids derived from Triticum aestivum ´ Th. intermedium by GISH and genome-specific RAPD markers. In: Chinese Agricultural Sciences - for the compliments to the 40th anniversary of the founding of The Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. pp71-80. Also in: Proc. 10th EWAC Meeting 1997 (Viterbo, Italy), pp34-38.

Wang RRC, Zhang XY: 1996, Characterization of the translocation chromosomes using FISH and genome-specific RAPD markers in two wheat traslocation lines resistant to wheat streak mosaic or barley yellow dwarf virus. Chromosome Research, 4:583-587.

张学勇,董玉琛,李培,Wang RRC: 1998 E和St基因组特异RAPD片段在部分小麦族植物中的分布。遗传学报,中文版25(2):131-141; 英文版25(2):113-124。

Zhang XY, Banks PM, Larkin PJ:1999, Verification of alien chromosomes and segments in addition lines derived from Triticum aestivum -Thinopyrum intermedium partial amphiploid Zhong 5. Chinese Agricultural Sciences (English version), 3: pp53-59.

张学勇, 李大勇:1999小麦及其近亲基因组中的DNA重复序列研究进展中国农业科学,印刷之中。

Zheng D.S., Zhang XY, 1998 Revisit the role of Strampellis varieties and their derivatives in China wheat production and improvement (Review Paper), accepted by Journal of Plant Genetics & Breeding.

Jones, T.A., XY. Zhang, and R. R-C. Wang. 1999. Genome characterization of MT-2 perennial and OK-906 annual wheat ´ Thinopyrum hybrids. Crop Sci., 39:1041-1043.